Wednesday, September 5, 2007


My thoughts for the week.

Belmont Football: The first game was one that hurt awful bad for the boys. They deserved a win, but it just did not work out. And they know that the next three games are going to be tough. Tish County, a 42-0 winner over Alcorn Central, is next at Belmont, then Kossuth and a road game at Ackerman. Everyone looks for someone to blame when things don't go right. The coaches should have done this, this player didn't do that, and so on. But unless you are on that field, attend every practice, attend every game, then you only see part of the picture and I always try to keep that in mind. I am not a coach, I am a fan. I have a fan's perspective and a fan's view. If you hear me say something on the radio, or in a cafe, or somewhere else, just remember I am a fan. I have never fancied myself a "sideline coach".
The offense I think we should run is one where we win. The play we should have run is the one that would have scored. That is a fan's perspective.

I was really impressed with one thing at Mooreville. The BBQ and Onion Rings was great, and the lemonade was fantastic. I got mine from the Mooreville side consession stand, so I don't know how the other side for Belmont was. As we were leaving, they gave us free BBQ and Beans along with more lemonade.
That made the ride home a little more bearable.

Coach Moody: I don't think that there is man in Belmont with a heavier load on his shoulders than Coach Moody. Coach wants to win, just as bad as any other person on the Belmont side. And 2 yards friday night changes the tone of this conversation by a lot. But sometimes, those 2 yards just don't go in your favor. Coach Moody told me a long time ago that he wants these boys to win, but he wants to leave them with a lot more than just a football experience. He wants them to have a successful life, to be able to overcome life's obstacles, to face and conquer the trials of life. And whether they believe it or not, they will face much more trying things in life than football games. Two friends of mine each had a son diagnosed with cancer and had to endure years of struggle and uncertainty. That is a trial.
So, if you see a Belmont coach, or a Belmont player, give them a thumbs up, a word of encourgement, or just a smile. And you just never know, they just might surprise you in the coming weeks.

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