Friday, January 18, 2008

Governor's swearing in

Click here for several of the pictures from our trip to the Inaguration of Haley Barbour.
I conviced Bro. Jack Maroon to go with me. I enjoyed the trip going to and from Jackson as much as I did the events. I would like to thank Rep. Bubba Carpenter for giving us the Grand Tour of the Capital. I would also like to thank Bro. Jack for being willing to go. The day's events which included the inaguration, the inagural parade, and a tour of the Governors' mansion. All of this filled me with intense pride, as we viewed the fruits of democracy. So many have suffered so much that we, the people, can live a decent life as best we can without toting the load for the fat cats.
We finished up the night at the Inagural Ball, an event that we quickly realized was not for us. Before making a quick exit, we spoke to a few folks, including the brother of Hollis Long, Thurman Long, and also Milton Kuykendall, the brother of Malcolm Kuykendall. We also talked to the Governor, Lt. Governor Phil Bryant, and the campaign manager of Al Hopkins, who lost to Jim Hood in the Atty Generals' race. Also spoke to Tate Reeves, Roger Wicker, Ronnie Musgrove,(who blew my mind by remembering details of a chance meeting we had several years ago), Delbert Hoseman, and many others. After about an hour and a half of talking to several folks, we decided the best place for us was on the road back to Belmont. Phil Bryant told me that he also was headed for the house, and as we were leaving, Roger Wicker was also headed for the door. On that Tuesday, snow was being predicted for the next day and Roger jokingly promised to fly bread and milk to our area if we ran short.
But it was a good day and I enjoyed it to the fullest. And if you ever get a chance to take a trip with Bro. Jack Maroon, I highly recommend it.

1 comment:

John Wesley Leek said...

This reminds me that I need to get my pictures up from the big day.

I looks like we were standing in the same general area for the speech.
